Raum für Kunst, Kultur und interdisziplinäre Forschung

Residency | Oscilloscope Music | November 2022

VILLA NORTH freut sich sehr, unsere aktuellen Residency Künstler:innen Hansi3D und Jerobeam Fenderson (Oscillation Music) in der Villa begrüßen zu dürfen! Während ihres zweiwöchigen Arbeitsaufenthaltes in der Villa North entwickeln sie ein spannendes neues Projekt.

Oscilloscope Music is audiovisual music, where the visuals are drawn by the sound. In order to get the closest possible correlation between image and sound, the exact same signal that is connected to the left and right speakers is also connected to an analog oscilloscope’s X and Y inputs, producing complex lissajous images.

Since roughly 2013 Jerobeam Fenderson and Hansi3D have created ever more elaborate techniques to explore this largely uncharted field of audiovisual music.